9 Health Benefits of Coffee

Coffee is one of the world’s most popular drinks on the planet. Well, there are plenty of good things to be said about coffee. 

Thanks to its high levels of beneficial nutrients and antioxidants that help our physical and mental health.

Again, studies have proven that those who drink at least 4 or more cups of coffee have a much lower risk of various serious diseases.

Here in this section, we will be talking about 9 reasons why coffee is one of the healthiest beverages around the world. 

Improves Physical Performance Dramatically


Caffeine increases epinephrine levels in the blood as well as stimulates the nervous system that signals fat cells to break down your body fat. Also, this is called fight hormone which helps your body to be prepared for intense physical exertion. Caffeine makes fatty acids free in your body and makes them available as fuel by breaking down your body fat. 

Undoubtedly, caffeine improves physical performance by 11% to 12% on average.

Hence, it can be a great idea to have a strong cup of coffee that you can easily make using your best espresso machine just half an hour earlier you enter the gym.

Lower The Risk Of Certain Types Of Cancer


One of the world’s leading causes of death is cancer, right? It is something when uncontrolled cell growth in your body. And the magic is that coffee protects against two types of cancer such as colorectal and liver cancer. 

And you must know that the third leading cause of cancer death around the world is liver cancer. And colorectal is in number fourth.

The good news is that studies have shown – people who drink coffee on a regular basis have a lower risk of liver cancer up to 40%.

Again, a large study on 4,89,706 people shown that people who drank 4 or more cups of coffee every day had a 15% lower risk of colorectal cancer.

Helps You To Burn Body Fat


Today, you will certainly find caffeine for good reasons in almost all commercial fat-burning supplements. Studies have shown that your metabolic rate can be boost by 3 to 11% through caffeine.

Also, some studies have proven that caffeine helps your body to burn fat by as much as 29% in lean people and 10% in obese individuals. 

Again, these effects might reduce those who drink coffee on a regular basis. 

Coffee Can Enhance Brain Function & Boost Metabolism


Nowadays, caffeine is one of the commonly used psychoactive substances that people are consuming around the world. You can find it almost in every food such as chocolate, tea, and soft drinks but coffee is the biggest source of caffeine. 

An average cup of coffee contains caffeine around 90 to 100 mg but in a single cup caffeine content can range from 30 to 300 mg.

Caffeine is a stimulant that blocks the function of an inhibitory neurotransmitter which is called adenosine in your brain. On average, it also boosts metabolism by 3 to 11%.

Lower The Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes


In recent decades, type 2 diabetes has spread out tenfold and already had affected over 300 million people around the world.

And the good news is that people who drink coffee regularly may have a 23 to 67% reduced risk of this common disease.

Again, a large review of 18 studies on 4,57,922 people showed that every cup of coffee reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes by 7%.

Lower The Risk Of Depression & Suicide


Depression has become one of the increasing serious mental disorders that affect the quality of life significantly. 

Currently, in the United States alone, about 4.1% of people meet the criteria for clinical depression. 

A study from Harvard showed in 2011, women had a 20% lower risk of becoming depressed who drank 4 or more cups of coffee every day.

Again, a study in 208,424 people found that people had 53% less likely to die by suicide who drank 4 or more cups of coffee every day.

Improves Heart Disease & Lower The Risk Of Stroke


It’s said that studies don’t consent to the idea that coffee plays a role in raising the risk of heart disease. 

On the other hand, it’s proven that women who drink coffee on a regular basis have a reduced risk. 

Again, other studies showed that people who drink coffee regularly have a 20% lower risk of stroke.

However, coffee drinkers are safe from the increased risk of heart disease as well as lower the risk of stroke.

A Quite Good Friend for Your Liver


The liver is considered a remarkable organ in the human body as it carries out countless vital functions, right? 

You might know that cirrhosis is the last stage of liver damage and this disease caused by something like hepatitis and alcoholism.

Sever studies have shown that the risk of cirrhosis can be lower by 80% by drinking coffee. Again, those people can experience the strongest effect who drank 4 or more cups of coffee every day.

However, drinking coffee on a regular basis can lower the risk of liver cancer by up to 40%.

How Can You Maximize the Health Benefits


Well, you can do somethings to maximize the health benefits of coffee. First of all, you should not add a lot of sugar to your drink. 

And the second technique is that you should use a paper filter. Because unfiltered coffee contains cafestol, and that can increase the level of your cholesterol. 

However, don’t drink excessive amounts of coffee to get the most out of it.

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