Understanding Flow Charts and the Graph

First we need to understand what is flowchart and graphs? And why are they used? These two play an important role in the field of patent. You can see theuse of flow charts and graphs in every kind of patent drawings. Flow charts are best way to see the chemical reactions and their results. It plays an important role in the medical patent field too. 

Let’s talk about flow charts

This may be defined as combinations of steps in proper sequences that are performed in order to complete the task. All the steps are shown on a single page. Steps may be shown in a particular shape such as boxes or circles. And the previous step indicates the next step in flow charts with the help of an arrow between the steps. Or all the steps may be linked with a line. This is done because in order to make an easy understanding of the method or process that is used to complete the job.If you want to decorate your flow chart you can use colours in particular shapes that are used to represent the steps done to perform the job. 

More related to graphs

Graphs can be defined as the diagram which shows the values in a well define way. For example ypu can get the overview report of a product how does the product perform in the market with the passege of time. Such as increase in the sale or the decrease in the sale of the product with in the specific period of the time. With the help of the graphs you can easily observe these values. Graphs can also be use in order to show the relations between the two things. Or in order to campare the performance of two things during the same period of the time.

Some tips are given below in order to get the best flow chart consider them once while working on a flow chart. It is must for us to cover all these points because without covering these points your flow chart maybe confusing. In order to get the best version of your flow chart you should follow these points.

  • Proper use of elements shapes and texts in a flow chart.
  • Try to represent every processing step of the job on the single sheet.
  • We can try slipt path as compared to old design symbol.

Proper use of elements shapes and texts in a flow chart

Try to build flow chart without any type of distraction in it. Always keep this in the mind that observer should not face any difficulty while understanding it. Add your creation in the flow chart to make it more attractive. Such as you can use same type of shape for starting and the ending elements of the flow charts. With the help of the good software programs you can easily add the links in the elements of the flow charts. You can use the images or photgraphs in your chart to make it more interestings. This one is just a suggestion not compulsory.

Try to represent every processing step of the job on the single sheet

It would be much better to represent the whole chart on a single page along with maintaing the text size. Means to say that don’t compromise with the text in order to represent everything on one page. Text must be readable you can’t ignore this. If this is hard to manage then you can divide your flow chart into smaller parts and then hyperlink with each other.

We can try slipt path as compared to old design symbol

We should prefer slipt path over old design symbol. Because there are some issues with the traditional flow charts. Sucha as they are on the base of diamond symbols. That creates many problems. Such as it breaks into two or more directions which confuse observers how to read the flow chart and not easy to understand the processing of task. And sometimes it uses symbols which are purely unknown for the observer and due to some of these points it leads to the increase in the distraction of the flow charts. This is the main reason to choose slipt path over this.


You should be aware that flow charts and graphs are now the requiremnets of the patent office when you file a patent application. Because flow charts make it very easy to understand the invention. We have a good team of patent illustrators. They use best software to create flow charts according to the needs of the respective patent office. We use advance software in order to generate a completely imformative flow chart. That is perfect according to the patent office. Our illustrators have good knowledge of latest software. And we our team is upated with the rules and new softwares. If you want to get the best flow charts for your invention. You should definitely approch DigitalSuntech.

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