5 techniques for Weight Lifting

Gathering the courage to keep up with fitness resolutions of the year could be very difficult. But being a part of the fitness club means you dedicate your 100% , buy steroids online and work hard to achieve the transformation you wish for. But the most important aspect to remember about exercises is that the effectiveness not only depends on the hours you put into it but also the right techniques. In fact, bad techniques could result in chronic problems. One of the most difficult exercises for gym goers is weight lifting. This requires proper training and techniques to achieve good results. With some simple guidance about techniques, you can make this easy.

Here are 5 amazing techniques you should know for proper weight lifting.

1. Unilateral Training: Focusing on one limb at a time during any workout is the most efficient way of developing your muscles. One limb at a time will ensure that any imbalance in the body gets compensated for and also protects against any weak spots in the body. When both limbs are trained simultaneously the weakness might become the focal point and this might end up causing more pain or problems. Unilateral training methods ensure that the body focuses on improving one limb at a time and each of them goes through the progress independently. Unilateral training, in fact, incorporates a more safe training technique as any imbalances or issues can be masked well. Also, taking one limb at a time will make sure you can cover higher weights than both limbs combined together. This way you can also add extra focus to the weaker limb.

2. Bottom and top pause: Following this technique ensures that the lift is safe and also that your muscles get fully worked out. Pausing at the bottom and top of the lift before you continue for at least one second is essential. This way the muscles get completely compressed or stretched. Also, this pause ensures that the joint angle gets locked in for the change from eccentric to concentric to occur. Developing your strength and agility is important during your weight training and this way you can train your joints and tissues for the same. When the weights are held in a static or a hold position you eventually train the body to enhance its capacity to higher weights. Also, fully extended position exposes the joints to excessive force and hence when you pause at the top you allow your hands to achieve better stability and control.

Source: WatchFit

3. Hip Hinge pattern: This pattern is especially recommended for Olympic lifts, Russian kettlebell swings as well as for achieving perfect deadlifts. This technique can help improve your athletic potential through optimal usage of the glutes, back extensors, and hamstrings. Hip Hinge also has zero back extension/flexion which makes it an efficient technique to practice while you lift weights. Use this pattern for weightlifting for a pain-free and efficient session.

Source: Tico Vogt

a) Stand with your feet at least 8- 10” apart and place one hand on your stomach and the other on your lower back.

b) Bend your knees slightly and push your hips backward with a little bow forward.

c) You can feel the tension build up in the hamstrings as you approach 90 degrees. Tighten your core and remember to keep your chest out.

Tip: This technique will require some practice before you get the right position. So start with small weights to apply this technique before you go higher. This will also ensure the training puts tension and converts it to develop the glutes and hamstrings rather than putting pressure on your knees and spine.

4. Eccentric Training: Incorporating a slow eccentric training through every rep of weight lifting might not seem like an obviously right way to train. But achieving the right momentum alone cannot make the exercise more efficient for achieving great results. A swift drop of the weight that you are lifting to the starting position offers this momentum necessary. But this will also remove the muscle tension in the area which means they do not get trained well. Controlling the eccentric motion will cause the prime movers in the area to work more sincerely. And with time the muscle in this area undergo enough tension to start building better, bigger and considerably faster. Incorporating this style of movement during weight training can ensure you achieve optimal training.

Source: Fitness Events

Tip: This technique is also useful for improving efficiency during dead-lifts, kettlebell swings, RDL `s, squats and for any type of exercises that focuses on improving your muscles.

5. Bent- Over Rows: This technique can be particularly helpful for beginners. Getting a good grip of this technique will help you progress better and improve your morale. The technique also helps reduce chances of any possible injuries in the early stages of your weight lifting. It eliminates the tension from building in your back muscles and helps spread it evenly across your body.

Source: Coach Mag

a) Start with a dumbbell in one hand. Place the opposite leg forward and position yourself in a staggered stance.

b) Hinge your hip forward for your torso to be angled towards the floor and ensure your back is flat.

c) Maintain this position while you lift the dumbbell up to your chest level. Make sure your elbow is placed close to your side.

d) In a slow and controlled motion lower the dumbbell back to the starting position and repeat.

Tip: Add some easy lean 15 to your post workout shake to support proper development of your muscles.

Weightlifting also requires that the complete exercise is safe. Having an instructor by your side as a beginner is essential to ensure you do not go overboard when your body is yet to get accustomed to it. Start slowly and record your progress. This way while the invitation gifts arrive you are ready to flaunt your fabulous self at any party and have a glass of Blackcraft.

Source: https://www.mensjournal.com/health-fitness/4-weightlifting-techniques-to-master/





Author’s Bio:

Jessica is a blogger who loves to write in different verticals. She co-authored Supercharge Organic Traffic: A popular course focusing on Organic Traffic for Ecommerce. Her hobbies are traveling and reading.

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